Editors in Chief
Jean-Yves Beziau
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Research Council and Brazilian Academy of Philosophy - Brazil
Marcelo Coniglio
Center for Logic and Dpt of Philosophy, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP - Brazil
Assistant Editor
Ana Cláudia de Jesus Golzio
Center for Logic and Dpt of Philosophy, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP - Brazil
Editorial Board
Joaquín Díaz Boils
Faculty of Exact Sciences,
Ponticifal Catholic University PUC, Quito, Ecuador
Categorical Logic, Modal Logic
Xavier Caicedo
Dept of Mathematics, University of Los Andes, Bogota - Colombia
Abstract model theory, algebraic logic, sheaves and logic
Walter Carnielli
Dept of Philosophy, State University of Campinas - Brazil
Logic and Reasoning, Semantics and Proof Theory for Alternative Logics, Critical
Manuel Correia
Dept of Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University, Chile
History and Philosophy of Logic
Newton da Costa
Dept of Philosophy, Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil
Paraconsistent Logic, Logic and Physics
Martin Figallo
Dept of Mathematics, National University of the South, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Algebraic logic, Non-classical logics, Proof theory
Marcelo Finger
Dept of Informatics, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Temporal Logic, Logic and Probability, Logical Approximations
Edward Hermann Hauesler
Dept of Informatics, PUC - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Categorical logic, Automated theorem proving
Decio Krause
Dept of Philosophy, Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil
Quantum logic, quantum set theory, philosophy of logic, non-classical set theories
Ana Teresa de Castro Martins
Dept of Informatics, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza - Brazil
Non-monotonic Logic, Logical Complexity, Proof theory
Maria Fernanda Pallares
Dept of Logic and Philosophy of Logic, University of Republic - Uruguay
Philosophy of Logic
Carlos di Prisco
Dept of Mathematics, University of Los Andes, Bogota - Colombia
Set theory
Ruy de Queiroz
Dept of Informatics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Proof theory, Type theory, Lambda calculus
Juan Redmond
Dept of Philosophy, University of Valparaiso, Chile
Philosophy of Logic, Logic and Fiction
Christian de Ronde
University of Buenos Aires / CONICET, Argentina
Quantum logic
José Seoane
Dept of Logic and Philosophy of Logic, University of Republic - Uruguay
Philosophy and History of Logic
Pedro Zambrano
Dept of Mathematics, National University of Colombia, Bogota
Model Theory of Metric Structures,
Stability in non-elementary classes. |